Although we have lived in our new/old, old/new house since September, we still have a ton of work to do. We are both students, and soon we will be a two-graduate-student household, so we plan to use our summer off (woo-hoo!) to get some things checked off the old To-Do list. This may seem rather insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but right now, we are focused on bar stools. We have a larger-than-life kitchen island complete with a bar, but we have no seating for said bar. If we were in the market for your average little stool without a back to it, I think this would've been accomplished quite some time ago. However, since we are always concerned with comfort and safety, we are on the hunt for something more like these:

The above bar stools are all from Target (you will quickly learn that this is one of my favorite places on Earth). They are traditional and modern all at once- a perfect blend of Sterner Style!
These are from Pottery Barn:
The ones from Target look almost identical to the stools from Pottery Barn, and they are, of course, much cheaper. Looking for the right stools is not going to keep us up at night, but choosing the right ones is important enough where we will hold out for the perfect blend of comfort and style. Stay tuned...